//What is change like//
Is it like
A hurricane 
Creating a swirl of confusion in you 
Or maybe like 
Ocean waves 
Pushing you to accept
Serenity and rage alike
Is it like
The backyard store room,
A chaos one dreads to face 
Or maybe it’s 
A childhood photograph.
Carefree dawdles being replaced
By responsible decisions .
Is it like 
A bush of thorns 
Cutting across your body and mind.
Or maybe like 
The air that surrounds us
But isn’t acknowledged enough
Is it like 
A newly planted tree in your garden 
Surprising you everyday 
With its bearings
Or maybe it’s 
A rocky maze
With gruelling decisions standing at every turn .
Is it like 
A box of memories.
Letting one see naïvety blur into realism 
Or maybe it’s 
A memory loss 
Giving one a chance to start again.